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Zora Tam



Zora Tam is a graduate of Diploma from Hong Kong International Institute of Music , majoring Music Education and under the tutor of Ms Doris LAW. She has obtained ABRSM ARSM in Singing with Distinction. She also has professional classical training with Ms Louise Kwong and Mr ChenChen. 


During her study, she obtained a champion of Hong Kong School Music Festival solo and 3rd place of Duet in English and Putonghua. Zora participated back singers of musical production “Burning my life 201”. She was also invited to pop singing performance by Tsuen Wan District Council. 


She is a conductor of Gracious Shepherd Christian Church Children’s Choir from 2010, and leads children to perform in different districts. Currently she is pop and classical singing teacher for young students and adults in private studios.

譚倩畢業於香港國際音樂學校,主修音樂教育,師承羅韋秀蘋女士。 她以優異的成績獲得了 ABRSM ARSM 歌唱證書。 她還師承鄺勵齡女士和陳晨先生,接受專業的古典音樂培訓。




 譚氏2010年起擔任基督教恩牧堂童聲合唱團及婦女詩班指揮,帶領小朋友到不同地區演出。 也有教青少年及成人唱流行歌曲。


自2021年起,她在蜚. 聲學院擔任項目和課程主任。負責學院音樂會行政工作,活動宣傳及課程推廣。

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