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Melody Leung

古典聲樂/音樂劇導師 及 鋼琴伴奏

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A Masters of Vocal Performance graduate from the Royal College of Music (RCM), Melody graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with Bachelor of Arts in Music. At RCM, Melody learned voice under the renowned British operatic soprano Ms. Amanda Roocroft and studied Art songs in particular with English baritone and composer Mr. Roderick Williams. Melody graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2019 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music, where she studied with soprano Ms. Rao Lan(饒嵐).

Melody began her music training as a pianist at the age of five. She studied as a junior flute student under Dr. Emily Lin(林昱伶) at Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) since nine years of age. Melody then received full scholarship from HKAPA, studying with Dr. Melody Sze Siu Wan (史韶韻)as a junior voice student. Melody went on to obtain DipABRSM for piano, ATCL for flute and ATCL voice during her studies at St. Stephen’s Girls’ College. She also achieved distinction in ABRSM Grade 8 organ under the teaching of Ms. Wendy Yuen. Melody was honoured with Ms Barbara Fei Vocal Solo Prize (2014), HKSAR Talent Development Scholarship (2016) and K.Wah International Vocal Scholarship (2017).

Melody has actively participated as a professional singer, performing in various opera productions and musicals including Mozart’s Pamina (Die Zauberflöte) and Susanna (Le Nozze di Figaro). During her studies at RCM, Melody has played Viardot’s Cendrillon (Cendrillon), Flavio (Rodelinda) and Elsie (The Yeomen of Guard).

倫敦皇家音樂學院聲樂碩士畢業生,師從英國女高音Amanda Roocroft和英國男中音 Roderick Williams(藝術歌曲選科)。畢業於香港中文大學音樂系,主修聲樂,師從著名女高音 饒嵐。

自五歲開始學習鋼琴,九歲時獲香港演藝學院初級音樂課程取錄,主修長笛,師從林昱伶博士 ;及後兼主修聲樂,師隨史韶韻博士,更獲得演藝學院頒發全額獎學金。就讀聖士提反女子中 學期間,已考獲聲樂、鋼琴和長笛演奏級的資格。於中學時期亦修習管風琴,師從袁天樂女士 ,並考獲英國皇家音樂學院管風琴八級優異的成績。曾獲得費明儀女士獨唱獎學金、嘉華國際 聲樂獎學金、香港特別行政區政府 - 才藝發展獎學金。

參與各大小類型的演出,曾於香港禮賓府開放日中獨唱表演,出演《魔笛》中的帕美娜公主和 《費加洛的婚禮》中的蘇姍娜。於倫敦皇家音樂學院修讀期間,曾演出歌劇《灰姑娘》中的 Cendrillon,《羅德琳達》的Flavio及《皇家守衛》的Elsie。

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