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Maggie Cho



曹于澄,花腔女高音,曾經參與世界著名男高音Luciano Pavarotti的藝術指導老師Leone Magiera 的大師班,並獲得 “無可挑剔” 的評語。

曹氏於二零一九年獲頒發意大利威尼斯音樂學院歌劇演唱碩士學位,跟隨Prof. Federica Bragaglia學習聲樂。二零一六年畢業於香港中文大學音樂系。自二零一一年隨戚芷君學習聲樂,並於二零一二年以優異成績考獲英國皇家音樂學院八級聲樂;入讀中大後開始隨著名聲樂家饒嵐學習聲樂,之後赴意大利隨著名女高音Fiorella Prandini 學習。曹氏亦曾於多個聲樂比賽獲獎,包括香港校際音樂節的聲樂項目,香港國際青少年合唱節獨唱組別的銀獎,更於意大利的第十三屆國際青年音樂比賽──“Luigi Zanuccoli”的歌劇組獲得第四名的佳績。在香港,她曾參與香港中文大學崇基合唱團,現時亦是香港歌劇院合唱團的成員,曾參與的作品包括有羅西尼的《小莊嚴彌撒曲》、巴哈的《聖誕清唱劇》及莫札特D小調安魂曲,歌劇則包括威爾特的《茶花女》、古諾的《浮士德》和《羅密歐與茱麗葉》、莫札特的《女人皆如此》以及普契尼的《蝴蝶夫人》﹔近年活躍於意大利各類演出,包括米蘭慈善音樂會、威尼托一年一度的DaPonte音樂會以及威尼斯音樂學院的歌劇製作等。 

Having heard Maggie in his masterclass, Leone Magiera, legendary repetiteur for Luciano Pavarotti, exclaimed, "Brava! I don't know what I can criticise."

CHO Yu Ching Maggie is a coloratura soprano based and raised in Hong Kong. She obtained her Master’s Degree in Opera at the Conservatory of Venice “Benedetto Marcello” in 2019, studied with Professor Federica Bragaglia. At the age of 17, she started her vocal training with Miss Candy Chik Tsz-kwan and obtained ABRSM Grade 8 in singing with distinction. In 2016 she received her Bachelor of Arts in Music from the Chinese University of Hong Kong under the guidance of Miss Lan RAO, after that she continued her vocal studies in Italy with Maestra Fiorella Prandini. She won prizes in several competitions, including the Hong Kong School Music Festival, the silver award in the solo class of the Hong Kong International Youth & Children’s Choir Festival and she was awarded the fourth place in the 13th International Competition for Young Musicians “Luigi Zanuccoli” in Italy. As a chorus member of the Opera Hong Kong, she participated in numbers of opera productions including La Traviata, Faust and Così fan Tutte, Roméo et Juliette, Madama Butterfly and other masterpieces such as Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle, Bach-Christmas Oratorio and Mozart-Requiem in D minor. In recent years she is actively performing in concerts in Italy, such as Charity concert of Milan and the opera productions of the conservatory; in the last April, she was invited to perform in the annual concert of Lorenzo Da Ponte in Vittorio Veneto. 

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