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Hoiyan Lee



李海欣畢業於香港大學文學院,雙主修音樂和語文及傳意。李氏於香港大學音樂系的進階 演奏課程中獲邀與多位著名音樂家舉行演奏會,包括李垂誼、吳美樂及Sascia Pellegrini。

李氏其後於香港浸會大學攻讀文學碩士,主修音樂;同時是該學位第一位獲選以聲樂演唱 作其畢業論文的學生,專門研究早期音樂。她曾代表大學音樂系在各種學術活動中進行獨 唱表演,包括由大學主辦的一系列研究座談會。李氏以優異成績畢業,並獲學院頒發傑出 學生獎和學術獎以表揚其音樂和學術成就。

李氏師隨陳少君女士學習聲樂,並於2017年以榮譽成績考獲英國倫敦聖三一學院的聲樂演 唱文憑。作為獨唱家,李氏曾與 Cantabile 在多場音樂會上演出,包括 2017 年的走進宮崎

駿內心世界、2018 年和 2019 年的粵唱粵強。作為一個熱愛合唱的歌者,李氏經常與本地 合唱團演出,如 Die Konzer:sten、Tallis Vocalis 和 Vox An:qua。 在2016年,她應邀與昆士 蘭大學的合唱團在澳洲的昆士蘭表演藝術中心和聖約翰大教堂等地方表演。在2015年, 她亦與亞洲⻘年管弦樂團的合唱團在北京國家歌劇院和上海大劇院合作演出。

李氏現為香港大學李兆基堂合唱團及多間本地學校合唱團的指揮。她亦在九龍國際浸信會 擔任手鐘指揮。在空餘的時間,李氏致力救助流浪貓,現已幫助數十隻流浪貓尋找新家並 展開新生。

Hoiyan LEE obtained her Bachelor of Arts with double majors in Music and Language & Communication from the University of Hong Kong, where she had been recruited to the Advanced Music Performance course and presented recitals with different professional musicians, including Trey Lee, Mary Wu and Sascia Pellegrini.

Upon her graduation at HKU, LEE obtained her Master of Arts in Music at Hong Kong Baptist University, where she was the first student being chosen to do a dissertation on vocal performance, specialised in early music. On behalf of the university’s music department, she delivered solo performances in various academic events, including a series of Research Colloquium hosted by the university. Graduated with distinction, LEE was awarded the Outstanding Student Award and Scholastic Award for her profound musical and academic performance.

LEE studied vocal singing under the tutelage of Ms. Chan Siu Kwan and attained ATCL with distinction in 2017. As a soloist, LEE performed with Cantabile in a number of concerts, including Inside the World of Hayao Miyazaki in 2017, Canton-Mania in 2018 and 2019. As an avid chorister, LEE constantly sings with local choirs, such as Die Konzertisten, Tallis Vocalis, and Vox Antiqua. In 2016, she was invited to sing with the Chamber Singers and the Chorale of the University of Queensland at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre, St. John’s Cathedral and the Custom House in Australia. She also performed with the Asian Youth Orchestra Choir at the National Opera House in Beijing and the Shanghai Grand Theatre in 2015.

LEE is working with the Lee Shau Kee Hall Choir at HKU and various local school choirs as a choral conductor. She also serves as the Handchimes Director at Kowloon International Baptist Church.

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