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Lam Kwok Ho 


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Lam Kwok Ho has sung over 20 operatic roles in Hong Kong and Taiwan. His operatic credits include Sciarrone in Tosca, Somnus in Semele, Marco and the title role of Gianni Schicchi, Lindorf/ Coppélius/ Dr. Miracle/ Daperdutto in Les contes d’Hoffmann, Leporello in Don Giovanni, Guglielmo in Cosi fan Tutte, Escamillo in Carmen, Schaunard in La Boheme. As a concert soloist, he has performed Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy and Bach’s Christmas Oratorio under the baton of Helmuth Rilling. He participated in the premieres of Chan Hing-yan’s chamber opera Heart of Coral and Daniel Lo’s Women like us at Hong Kong Arts Festival (HKAF).
He obtained his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. With support of Cecil Leong Scholarship, Michael Rippon Memorial Scholarship and Fung Kit Ling Scholarship, he received his Advanced Diploma and Master of Music degree from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts under the tutelage of renowned soprano Nancy Yuen. Upon graduation he has been selected to participate in the Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist Development and Education Programme. He has participated in masterclasses by Nelly Miricioiu, Renée Fleming, Eric Halfvarson, Thomas Quasthoff, Dennis O’Neill, Rudolf Piernay, Wolfgang Brendel and Helen Donath. He is currently a voice instructor at HKAPA’s junior Programme.
林國浩曾於香港及台灣的多個大型歌劇演唱超過二十個角色,曾演唱的角色包括《塞墨勒》睡神、《賈尼 •斯基基》劇名角色、《托斯卡》斯亞朗尼、《荷夫曼的故事》靈多夫 / 高佩利斯 / 密拉克 / 達貝多托、《唐.喬望尼》雷波列諾、《女人皆如此》古烈摩、《卡門》埃斯卡米諾、《波希米亞生涯》蕭納,並於聲蜚合唱節多部巴哈清唱劇中擔任獨唱。林氏亦曾參與香港藝術節製作、陳慶恩的室內歌劇《蕭紅》及盧定彰的《兩個女子》之首演。
林氏先後獲得香港科技大學財務學系學士及香港演藝學院聲樂系音樂碩士,師承著名女高音阮妙芬。畢業後獲挑選參與賽馬會香港歌劇院青年演唱家發展及教育計畫。他亦多次獲得獎學金,包括梁思豪獎學金、聶明康紀念聲樂獎學金等。曾參與多位國際著名歌唱家的大師班,包括Thomas Quasthoff、Renée Fleming、Rudolf Piernay、Wolfgang Brendel及Helen Donath等。林氏現為香港演藝學院青少年課程的聲樂導師。

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