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​Jason Liu



Born in Hong Kong, Jason Tsz-Shing Liu studied the piano and the cello under the tutelage of Ms Alice Chan and Mr William Tsui respectively. He also studied composition with Ms Poly Ng and conducting with Ms Kathy Fok. He attained the FTCL Diploma for piano in 2009 and the LTCL Diploma for cello in 2011. He is studying conducting under the tutelage of Mr Apollo Wong. A current Master student at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Liu is majoring in Collaborative Piano under the tutelage of Mr Hsu Wei-En.


Liu majored in Composition and Electronic Music in the Junior Music Programme of the HKAPA. His pieces were performed and awarded locally and abroad. Recent pieces include The Iron House for baritone and piano, one of the three finalist pieces of Oper Leipzig’s composition competition “Wahrheiten”, chamber piece The Vanishing Glimpse commissioned by Musicus Society and The Diaspora for The Learners Chorus. He is a member of Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong.


An alumnus of the Hong Kong Children’s Choir, Liu toured extensively as a singer and was the accompanist for the Choir’s 2011 European Tour. He is currently a tutor of HKCC.


An active solo and collaborative musician, Liu appears as conductor, singer, pianist and cellist in various choruses and orchestras. Liu is currently Assistant Conductor of The Learners Chorus. He was the Choirmaster of the Hong Kong University Students’ Union Choir, and led the Choir’s performance of Orff’s Carmina Burana. He was also the chorus master for Ponte Singer’s recent production of Brahms’ Ein deutsches Requiem. Liu is the principal cellist of the Millennium Youth Orchestra and cellist of Js’ Trio, and collaborated with pop musicians Peter Kam and Chet Lam. 


Liu has completed his Master in Architecture and Bachelor of Arts (Architectural Studies) at the University of Hong Kong. He was the recipient of multiple prizes and scholarships during his study. He underwent his exchange semester in the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in 2020 Spring, and participated in rehearsals with Wiener Singverein before the pandemic.

廖氏生於香港,自幼曾隨陳麗詩女士習鋼琴,徐樂明先生習大提琴,伍巧怡女士習作曲,後隨霍嘉敏女士習指揮。2009年及2011年分別考獲倫敦聖三一學院鋼琴院士文憑 (FTCL)及大提琴專業文憑 (LTCL) 。現隨黃日珩先生習指揮。廖氏現為香港演藝學院碩士生,師隨徐惟恩副教授,主修鋼琴合作。






作為活躍的獨奏及合奏者,廖氏於不同大學及社區合唱團與樂團擔任指揮、歌者、鋼琴及大提琴演奏。廖氏現為學士合唱團助理指揮,曾任香港大學學生會合唱團團長,並帶領合唱團演出奧夫《布蘭詩歌》;最近另為Ponte Singers布拉姆斯《德意志安魂曲》擔任合唱指導。廖氏亦為新世紀青年管弦樂團大提琴首席及Js’ Trio大提琴手,並曾與著名流行音樂人金培達及林一峰合作。



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