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Leung Sheung Kit



鋼琴:演奏級(Piano - ATCL)

聲樂:8級(Vocal – Abrsm Grade 8)

樂理:8級(Theory - Abrsm Grade 8)

香港中文大學文學士:音樂(BA of Music, CUHK)

香港教育學院學位教師文憑:音樂(PGDE of Secondary School Music, HKIED)



2019-Now Developer of 「藍調《聲律啟蒙》」(A Chinese language course for children to learn with singing blues music.)

2018-Now Music Teacher and Musical Theater Teacher for young children, MileKids Music & Art Center

2013-2016 Conductor of Children Choir, Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service (循道衛理楊震社會服務處沙 田青少年綜合發展中心)

2012-2014 Music Teacher for Young Children Music Course (JMC, Age 3-6), Tom Lee Music Foundation

2011-2013 Piano accompanist, Deputy Conductor of City U Choir

2009-2011 Teacher of Piano and Music Theory; Accompanist, Ka Wan Music Center, To Kwa Wan(嘉韻琴行)

2009-2011 Choirmaster, Kwong Lam Baptist Church, Sha Tin

2007-2010 Teacher of Piano and Music Theory; Accompanist, Kinderland Studio (樂陶途音樂中心)


梁湘傑於2009年畢業於香港中文大學音樂系,並取得文學士(音樂)學位。主修鋼琴演奏。梁於在學期間曾擔任崇基禮拜堂客席管風琴司,並隨梁靜宜老師學習聲樂。在學期間考獲英國倫敦聖三一學院演奏文憑(鋼琴)。 畢業後繼續修讀教育文憑,期間獲得Year Prize for Academic Excellence Award。及後致力於音樂教育工作,指導學生參加不同考試及比賽,成果纍纍。其伴奏學生更活躍於不同比賽、表演,發光發熱。 熱愛風琴音樂,在通利琴行Yamaha音樂班服務期間,參2014度香港舉辦之Yamaha Electone Competition(Open age section)獲得1st Runner-Up獎項。

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