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Aaron Kwan


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Aaron Kwan recently graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) as a baritone under the teaching of Albert Lim. Throughout his studies in HKAPA, Aaron has attained a number of scholarships including Cecil Leong Scholarship; the Hong Kong Children’s Choir Scholarship; Hong Kong Welsh Male Voice Choir Scholarship; Music Connect Scholarship. 


In 2018, Aaron won the Espoir Prize in Lieder Group, in the 19th Osaka International Music Competition. Recent opera performances include Sarastro in Die Zauberflöte, Ford in Falstaff, Rigoletto, Idomeneo and Les contes d’Hoffmann. Aaron has also participated in masterclasses by Nelly Miricioiu, Darryl Edwards and Warren Mok. He is currently studying with David Quah as a tenor. 


In addition, he holds the Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology (First Class Honours) from the Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring in biotechnology and minoring in Japanese. 



關樂曦畢業於香港演藝學院,主修聲樂,師隨男中音林俊。在學期間,他多次成功考獲獎學金,包括梁思豪獎學金、香港兒童合唱團音樂獎學金、威爾士男聲合唱獎學金及Music Connect獎學金。


關氏於第19屆大阪國際音樂比賽(歌曲組)獲得「最感染力獎」。近期演出歌劇包括《魔笛》的薩拉斯妥、《法斯塔夫》的福特、《弄臣》、《伊多美尼奥》、《霍夫曼的故事》等。他曾參與Nelly Miricioiu、Darryl Edwards及莫華倫的聲樂大師班。現跟隨男高音柯大衛學習。

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